Bringing Tech and Library Skills into Physical Education (Revised 2024)

Cross-Curricular Integration and Collaboration for PE Teachers

This course will take approximately 10 hours to complete. If you have any questions about the course, please email us at [email protected].

Course Description for Administrator Approval


We are excited about your interest in taking this online course from PE Central. Below you will find a brief course description, the instructor's biography, and course FAQ's. We estimate that this course will take 10 hours to complete. Once you have completed it, you may request the 10 PD hours towards your teacher licensure re-certification. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

Best of Luck!
PE Central and Human Kinetics Professional Development

Course Description

Whether you’re a new or experienced PE/Health (hereafter referred to collectively as “PE”) teacher, you know that we are preparing students for a lifetime of health, fitness and overall wellness. To this end, a truly high-quality PE program in the 21st century is one that engages with Technology and Library Skills in a real-world way. This will grab students’ interest and enrich their learning as it engages multiple subject/skill areas at once. This will also increase the overall quality of your school’s instruction as you collaborate with teachers of other subjects. And as a side benefit, it will make you stand out as an exemplary PE teacher who not only shines as a PE specialist, but a cross-curricular collaborative educator and leader.

Technology (both tech curriculum areas as well as tech devices themselves) are an integral part to our everyday lives. Similarly, Library Skills (research, information processing, analysis, synthesis, etc.) are an absolute necessity today. This course will give you the skills necessary to identify and act upon areas where Technology and Library Science can be integrated into your PE lessons as well as creating collaborative projects involving linked lessons that occur with you (in PE) as well as your coworkers (teaching Tech, Library, and/or Core).

Course Syllabus

Target Audience

This course has been designed for PE/Health teachers (but also applicable for camp counselors, after-school activity leaders, etc.) who are interested in cross-curricular collaboration and integration of Technology, Technology curriculum and Library Skills into their PE/Health program. Whether you’re an experienced PE/Health teacher or a brand new one, cross-curricular collaboration and integration is an important (and often overlooked) addition to your PE/Health program which will enhance student learning and engagement in PE/Health as well as improve your school’s overall instructional quality.

Course Purpose/Objectives

  • Identify and explore the cross-curricular concepts of collaboration (working together with Tech and Library Skills educators in joint plans/lesson/units) and integration (using cross-curricular skills within your own PE/Health instruction)
  • Identify potential areas for collaboration and integration in your own PE program
  • Engage in backwards-planning to create meaningful and standards-based cross-curricular integrations into PE/Health
  • Using the points above, this course will provide several examples of cross-curricular integrations into PE/Health that are ready-to-use
  • Help prepare the course participants to identify areas of, and begin to create their own, cross-curricular integration into their own programs and create

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, users will:

  1. Be able to: Identify areas where they will be able to incorporate Tech & Library Skills into their own PE/Health program
  2. Be able to: Identify areas where they will be able to collaborate with fellow teachers (of Tech/Library Skills) to create and lead joint lessons/units
  3. Be able to: Use backwards planning to align instruction to standards/learning outcomes
  4. Be provided with some ready-to-use examples of Tech/Library Skills collaborations/integrations into PE/Health
  5. Be able to: Create their own cross-curricular (PE/Health with Tech/Library Skills) collaborative and/or integrative lesson plans, and
  6. Be able to: Create an Action Plan to bring these newly developed lesson/units to fruition.


This course addresses the following SHAPE America National Standards for K-12 Physical Education (2024).

  • Standard 1. Develops a variety of motor skills.
  • Standard 2. Applies knowledge related to movement and fitness concepts.
  • Standard 3. Develops social skills through movement.
  • Standard 4. Develops personal skills, identifies person benefits of movement, and chooses to engage in physical activity.

Viewing External Content

At times throughout the course, students will be instructed to visit external sites to view videos, articles, or both. Each time external content will open in a new, separate window, which will require students to close when completed and return to the course.


Sharing of lessons, learning platforms, and other material created solely for the purpose course is not allowed. This material is for paid course participants only.

Your Instructor

Dustin Yakoubian
Dustin Yakoubian

Dustin is a full-time physical education teacher with over 15 years of teaching experience, both in the US and abroad. Dustin’s teaching experience focuses mostly on elementary (PreK-Grade 5) but also includes experience teaching and leading secondary students as well as adults. Dustin continues his work outside of the classroom as the author of The New PE Teacher’s Handbook (available in paperback and ebook), which offers guidance for both new and experienced PE teachers, covering job hunting, creating and elevating your PE program, as well as 80 ready-to-use lesson plans. Dustin has also written for various blogs on the topics of international education, physical education, and action sports. Other professional development courses through PE Central authored by Dustin include; Tinikling: Philippine Folk Dance for Fitness and Team BuildingAdd International Flair to PE with these 5 Modified Games and Bringing Tech & Library Sciences into PE

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