Secrets of Differentiation in Physical Education (Revised 2024)

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We are excited about your interest in taking this online course. Below you will find a brief course description, the instructor's biography, and course FAQ's. We estimate that this course will take 6 hours to complete. Once you have completed, you will be issued a certificate of completion for 6 hours. There is no graduate credit or CEU's available for completing this course.

We know you will find this course valuable and enjoyable. If you have any questions, please email us at

Best of Luck!
PE Central and Human Kinetics Professional Development


K-12 Physical Education Teachers

Course Purpose/Objectives

In this ever-changing world in which we live in, Physical Education is more important than ever. Exercise and sport are like a universal language. This class will deepen you understanding of how to bring that to ALL students. Taught by a SHAPE 2021 Dr. Doris Corbet Award Winner and an elementary PE teacher in NYC, you will learn ways to increase student engagement by designing lessons that fit the needs of ALL students of all learning levels and backgrounds. Jim Hambel is the former SHAPE America Physical Activity Council chair. He also holds a license in PE, general education, and special education. With 10 years of teaching experience, you will learn the how’s and whys of effective pedagogy that you can utilize in your own program.

Objectives include

  • Increase student engagement through choice (yes, choice)
  • Teach students HOW to assess themselves on ways they know from the classroom
  • Design lessons, units, activities so that all students have an entry point
  • Implement specifically designed instruction for IEPs and all students
  • Analyze different types of learning styles and how they relate to PE

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, users will be able to:

  1. Analyze the myths and truths about differentiation
  2. Teach students to differentiate activities on their own
  3. Design lessons, units, activities so that all students have an entry point
  4. Analyze different types of learning styles and how they relate to PE

Course Description

Each module will include readings and resources that will be helpful to any new physical educator. After completing the readings and reviewing the resources, each module will include the quiz that will help the students evaluate their understanding.

You will receive the following as part of this course.

  • A certificate of completion after finishing all modules


  1. Differentiation
    1. What does it really mean?
    2. Not just for Special Education
  2. Learning Styles with a Side of Hot Sauce
    1. Have students adapt content to meet their needs
  3. Planning For Teaching and Learning
    1. Practicality and necessity of differentiation
  4. Vertical Planning for New PE Standards
    1. Look at new scope and sequence to assist with planning and teaching
  5. Universal Design
    1. Multiple entry points
    2. Specifically designed instruction
  6. Scaffolding - Getting from Point A to Point B
    1. What is scaffolding?
    2. How do we do it?
  7. Cultural Responsive Sustainable Education
    1. What is it and how do we fully embrace it?
  8. Student Friendly Materials
    1. What are they and how to make them
  9. Student Friendly Educational Technology
    1. How do we use technology effectively?
  10. Teaching to English Language Learners
    1. Making sure all learners feel welcome in our classrooms
  11. Final Assessment


  1. Differentiation: Participants will read an article about differentiation and write an entry reflecting on their experiences and how they differentiate.
  2. Learning Styles with Hot Sauce: Participants will read about learning styles and take a survey about what their own individual learning style is.
  3. Planning for Teaching and Learning: Participants will look at a lesson plan and station cards and begin to identify how they plan for differentiation in their own practice.
  4. Vertical Planning with New Standards: Participants will look at the scope and sequence as well as new literature about the newly updated National Physical Education standards and then reflect what is vertical planning and how this practice can enhance their pedagogy.
  5. Universal Design: Participants will read about UDL in PE and watch a video and then share an activity that showcases their understanding of creating a UDL activity.
  6. Scaffolding- Getting from Point A to Point B: Participants will read an article about different ways to scaffold content and teaching. Then they will reflect and share strategies that they use and one they want to try.
  7. Cultural Responsive Sustainable Education: Participants will read an article on CRSE and how to make all students feel seen in their program and then answer what CRSE means to them and how to incorporate these understandings.
  8. Student Friendly Materials: Participants will learn about criteria for creating student friendly materials that enhance learning and foster independence.
  9. Student Friendly Educational Technology: Participants will learn about how current ed tech tools can be utilized to increase time on task and reflect on their level of comfort.
  10. Teaching to English Language Learners: Participants will read an article on teaching English language learners and then reflect and share what strategies they use and a new one they will try.
  11. Final Project: Participants will reflect on everything they have learned and create an universally designed activity and connect it to a health related fitness topic.


This course addresses the following standards:

Source: SHAPE America Standards for Health and Physical Education in the US

Physical Education – The physically literate individual:

  • Standard 1: Develops a variety of motor skills.
  • Standard 2: Applies knowledge related to movement and fitness concepts.
  • Standard 3: Develops social skills through movement.
  • Standard 4: Develops personal skills, identifies personal benefits of movement, and chooses to engage in physical activity.

Viewing External Content

At times throughout the course, students will be instructed to visit external sites to view videos, articles, or both. Each time external content will open in a new, separate window, which will require students to close when completed and return to the course.

Technology Needed to Complete this Course

You will need a computer or a tablet with an updated browser to complete this course. In addition, you will need a valid email address.

Your Instructor

James Hambel
James Hambel

Jim Hambel is a physical education and special education teacher with 10+ years of teaching experience. He is a PE/General/Special Education teacher at PS 457 in the Bronx, NY. He was recently awarded the 2021 Dr. R. Doris Corbett Johnson Leaders for Our Future Award by SHAPE America. He has three teaching licenses and a master’s and bachelor’s degree from Adelphi University. He is a proud and happy husband and father of two. Jim is the host and founder of the Wednesday Wellness Series. He is also a member of the National Bowling Hall of Fame. He is also a professional bowler.

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