Playground Supervision & Responsibility
The 5 Main Components of Supervisor Responsibility
Training your teachers and playground supervisors can decrease your student injuries by approximately 40%. Quality training can save your school and district a huge legal bill. The author of this course, Melinda, serves as an expert witness when children are injured at school. She turns down more than 50% of cases because there is no defense for some situations. Melinda has been an expert witness for some cases in which a child was injured severely and will cope with the injury for the rest of their life. Inevitably, the teacher or person supervising has little training in their responsibilities in supervision children (especially in the outdoor environment).
"The Playground Supervision & Responsibility Course was very informative. It was a great refresher course. I found the behavioral issues section to be very helpful. The legal liabilities section was important information. Injuries during the transition time was higher than expected. I will be more observant of woodchips being kicked out from the swings. We do not allow our kids to play dodgeball or tackle games. Also, it is so important to look out for drawstrings. It was a great course to refresh and update on supervision skills."
We are excited about your interest in taking this Playground Supervision course from Peaceful Playgrounds. Below you will find a brief course description, the instructor's biography, and course FAQ's. We estimate that this course will take 2 hours to complete. Once you have completed it, you may request the 2 hours towards your teacher licensure recertification.
We know you will find this course valuable and enjoyable. If you have any questions please email us at
Best of Luck!
PE Central and Human Kinetics Professional Development
Course Goals
- To train you to become a better playground supervisor so that you better understand your role and responsibility in keeping children safe on the playground.
- Understand your responsibilities before, during, after recess and supervision zones and how they contribute to student safety.
- Understand how to deal with behavior problems on the playground.
- Understand your role and legal responsibilities in keeping children safe on the playground.
- Understand hazards and a supervisor’s responsibility in maintaining a safe playground.
Course Description
The course is divided into 5 areas:
Injuries: Definition of injury, definition of accident, where children are injured, type of activities that cause serious injury, playground laws and regulations, surfacing and injuries, Consumer Product Safety Guidelines, injury prevention tips, and when to intervene.
Supervision: Supervision zones, before recess responsibilities, during recess responsibilities, after recess responsibilities, and supervision tips.
Dealing with behavior problems: Procedures to follow, respectful intervention and redirection, resources and unsafe behaviors.
Legal Liability: Definition of Standard of Care, tips for reducing liability, General Standard of Care, inappropriate games and activities, and how to limit your liability.
Hazards: Surfacing, public use, maintenance and inspections.
Target Audience
The Peaceful Playgrounds Online Playground Supervisor Training is designed to introduce administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, physical educators, parents, after school personnel, and playground supervisors to the responsibilities and techniques associated with keeping children safe on a playground.
Learning Materials
The following learning materials are available for download within various sections of the course:
- Playground Report Form
- Public Playground Safety Tips
- Public Playground Safety Handbook
- Playground Maintenance Checklist
- Playground Liability Article
- Student Injury Report Form
- Student Injury Report Form Instructions.
Your Instructor
Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D. holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership
from U.C.L.A. She has a MS and BS in Kinesiology from California State
University Fullerton. She holds a K-12
teaching credential in Kinesiology and Health.
She holds a K-16 Administrator Clear Credential from UCLA.
Dr. Bossenmeyer taught for 27 years at public, private schools, and universities. She was a site principal and County Office Administrator as Director of Professional Development.
She is an expert witness in cases involving supervision and injuries on playgrounds in school settings.
She has authored 5 books on playgrounds and physical education. She has served on a variety of National Committees and State Boards on playgrounds and physical education.
Cherie McComb
“My Para professionals just completed the training provided by Peaceful Playgrounds. We found the information comprehensive and helpful. The training helped to allow all the Para professionals to fully understand the way to supervise the playground and bring continuity to all three recess periods.”
Vicki L.
“This course made me aware of mistakes in supervision that we are making at my school; that the supervisor is not to gather the children into a game but instead is the one who watches. Another mistake we make is that the supervisors often sit together on the bench. Another great gain I made from the course is the difference between an accident and an injury. That is very helpful as we establish recommendations for our program. This will help us have a much more effective training and policies.”
Sarah G.
“Great resource. Every playground supervisor and classroom teacher should take this training.”
Check out Frequently Asked Questions Here!