Webinar: How to Earn Extra Income as a PE Teacher

Grade Level/Audience: K-12 Physical Education Teachers
Webinar Description
We all know no one went into teaching for the money. Yet, we know how real the struggle can be to survive on a teaching salary. With student debt, bills to pay, and families to care for, many are leaving the profession to maximize their earning potential. But what many teachers often overlook is just how easy it can be to use their professional skill set to earn some extra income and make their life more comfortable as a result. In this webinar, you will learn how to take your educational background and put it to use in the real world and the online world to help you grow your coffers so living on just your teaching salary does not feel so stressful. You will learn practical and proven ways with the resources and examples you need to start to experience f the greener side of the grass. Plus, it is simpler than you think! Turn your small investment into something that lets you keep doing what you love during the day: teaching!
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to -
  • identify and asses the value of their skill set as teachers
  • identify tangible ways to utilize their skill set in other educational job and non job alike settings
  • identify potential income enhancing opportunities online and off

*In order to receive your certificate, email [email protected] that you have finished the webinar.

Your Instructor

Charles Silberman
Charles Silberman

Charles Silberman is a physical education and health teacher with 18 years of teaching experience. He has become a leader and advocates for incoming physical educators by running workshops on integrating literacy into physical education, teaching in limited space, and creating a field day that shines. Charles has advocated on these topics by presenting at staff in-services and conferences, assisting with new teacher orientations, and other initiatives.

Also, Charles teaches 5 other classes for PE Central, has four webinars for PE Central, and regularly contributes to the S&S Worldwide blog. Moreover, he has experience writing curriculum from scratch and writing published information specific to physical education in the state and nationally recognized publications and websites. Charles is the founder of physedsuperhero.com. Charles is also a contributing author to the book, "How to be an Outstanding Physical Education Teacher."

Feel free to reach out to Charles with any questions during any of his courses.

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