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CEU Credits
Assessment (7)
Physical Education (88)
After School (26)
Adapted PE (8)
Arts & Crafts (5)
Project Based Learning (1)
Literacy & Language (11)
Classroom Teacher (14)
Classroom Management (26)
Graduate Credit (1)
STEM (6)
Webinar (21)
Free (10)
Behavior Management (10)
Yoga (3)
CEU Credits (20)
Therapy & Health (1)
National AfterSchool Association (8)
Technology & APPs (6)
S&S Courses (3)
Makerspace (4)
Worlds of Making (2)
Library (1)
Preschool (4)
Social Emotional Learning (5)
Health (3)
standards (3)
character education (1)
leadership (1)
methods (1)
Elementary (2)
Classroom Teachers (3)
Curriculum (2)
home (1)
remotely (2)
cooperation (1)
cooperative (1)
ditance learning (1)
Lesson Planning (1)
long term planning (1)
Remote teaching (2)
virtual learning (1)
dance (1)
holiday (1)
Professional development (2)
Teaching (2)
Education (2)
Amanda Encarnacion
Amanda MacDonnell, M.S.C.I.
Amy Gagnon
Amy Jenkins
Angelina Bartolucci
Barbara Johnson
Ben Landers
Benna Cail
Beth Burdette
Brenda Goodwin
Bryan Capes
Carol Hammett
Challenge to Change
Charles Silberman
Cindy Kuhrasch
Collin Brooks
Dale Le Fevre
Dan Ninham
Dave Hinman
Dave Senecal
David Olszewski
Dean Manross
Dean M Ravizza
Dean P Manross
Debbie Diller
Dick Borkowski
Don Glover
Dr. Lisa Witherspoon
Dr. Martin Block
Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer
Dustin Yakoubian
Dustin Yakoubian
Education World
Ellie Larson
Eric Chessen
Francis Kozub
Gemma Coles
Ingrid Johnson
James Hambel
Jennifer Houston
John Ditter
Jyl Steinback
Keys to Literacy
Kymm Ballard
Laura Dekloe
Laura Fleming
Lindsay Dillon
Lynn Kincaid
Marybell Avery
Melinda Brown
Michele Silence
Mike Ginicola
Mike Kuczala
Miriam Plotinsky
Misti Mueller
Molly Schreiber
Ms. Em Winn
Nathan Horne
National AfterSchool Association
Nicole Root
PE Central
Pete Charrette
Rebecca Granatini
Rebecca Hintze
Renae Buss
Robyn Parets
Rose Sgambelluri
Ruth Herman Wells, M.S.
Sandy Hagenbach
Sandy Kimbrough
Sara Deaville Professional Education
Scott Dyer
SHAPE America
Shawn Chesteen
Shawn Garrett
Shonna Snyder
S&S Worldwide
Steve Boyle
Steve Lightman
Sue Scheppele
Tara B. Blackshear and Brian Culp
Teresa Campbell
Tim Davis
Tim Rochford
Tisha Shipley
Todd Pennington
Yoga Foster
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CEU Credits
Critical Race Studies in Physical Education: Advocacy in Action for Black Students
Available until
Tara B. Blackshear and Brian Culp
Physical Education for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Available until
Ideas & Strategies for Teachers Who Work with Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Jennifer Houston
Trauma-Informed Education
Available until
What is Trauma-Informed teaching and a Trauma-Informed Classroom? What does it look like? Why should we do it?
Teresa Campbell
Trauma Symptoms in Children and Adults: A Course for Educators
Available until
Learn about the signs and symptoms of trauma that you might see in your classroom.
Teresa Campbell
Understanding Trauma: A Course for Educators
Available until
What is trauma? Who suffers from trauma? What things have happened recently in our world to traumatize students?
Teresa Campbell
Physically Distanced Physical Education
Available until
Preparing for Modified In-person PE Instruction During a Pandemic
Dustin Yakoubian
Teaching Physical Education and Health Remotely
Available until
Tips & strategies for successfully teaching health and physical education from home
Charles Silberman
Safety First: Handling Disease and Injury in the HPE Classroom
Available until
Tips & strategies to help HPE teachers deal with disease and injuries in their classrooms.
Shonna Snyder
Incorporating STEM/STEAM in Health and Physical Education
Available until
Misti Mueller
Phys Ed Hacks: Tips & Strategies for Classroom Management
Available until
Ben Landers
Utilizing Grants Effectively to Fund Your PE Program
Available until
A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Build a Grant to Support Your PE Program
Kymm Ballard
Introduction to Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR)
Available until
Teaching students to take responsibility for their behavior choices in PE
Sandy Hagenbach
My Favorite Apps for Teaching Physical Education
Available until
Learning to use technology tools to enhance your PE Classes
Ben Landers
How to Plan and Execute a Field Day
Available until
Making Your Field Day Shine!
Charles Silberman
Introduction to the Sport Education Model
Available until
Implementing a Student-Centered Curriculum
Jennifer Houston
Developing Rubrics for Physical Education ($99)
Available until
Demonstrating the ability to develop and utilize rubrics in your Physical Education class
Dave Hinman
Project Based Learning for Physical Education
Available until
An Intro to Personalized Learning using Projects in Physical Education
Misti Mueller
Integrating Literacy into Physical Education
Available until
Why it Matters and How to Implement
Charles Silberman
Adapted PE: Using Visual Supports with Children with Autism
Available until
Learn How to Build & Incorporate Visual Supports for Autistic Children
Dr. Martin Block
Assessment in Elementary Physical Education ($99)
Available until
Understanding and Implementing Written Assessments in Physical Education
Dave Hinman